Friday 29 October 2010


Made it to Bangkok as easy as pie!  Which was great after the last day of work at the office - truly one of the most bizarre days ever with the grand finale being a frantic bike ride from the office in sheets of rain and nearly missing my flight.  Was a fab flight - cleaned out my inbox and slept like a baby (woke up a bit crumpled on the floor of that airplane).
Found my way to the hotel and Sue Gratton was right behind me!  So great to see Sue - and so weird to be in Bangkok and not working for 2 months!  I made up a new song in my head that went something like "this is so weird...this is so weird...oh my god this is so weird!"  and then the chorus just repeated.  It's sure to be a hit if I ever record it.  I am so glad Sue was here right away for my first part of the trip or I might have gone off the deep end.
Sue and I went on a dinner cruise on the Chao Praya river (just had to ask Sue to remind me what it was called) and then to the rooftop bar at the Banyon Tree.  So much fun!
Today we've just been chilling at the pool getting ready to go to the night markets and another roof top bar.
Bangkok is really nice!  The people are ridiculously friendly and helpful.  Even the guy at Customs nearly made me cry he was so sweet and kind.  Sort of a bizarre reaction so I held it together in an effort to be admitted into the country. 
I cannot remember any Thai words and constantly have to ask Sue.  No matter how many times I repeat "hello" and "thank you" I promptly forget how to say it...
Tonight we're going to the night market and then to more roof top bars.  I'll do the cultural stuff later...right now it is vacation mode!  We are having a ball!


  1. Ooh! "so weird... so la la" great song! ENJOY bangkok - just don't end up in any Thai jails and teach everyone Madonna songs like Bridget Jones.

    Keep the updates coming - i'm vacationing vicariously through you!

  2. Are you going to be in Thai for the entire 2 months? Hope to see you in RL at Christmas. We are going for 10 days. Thanks for starting a blog!

  3. Great Photos! Looking forward to following your adventures. Love Ya.

  4. I'm so happy you started a blog! I will be following you and vacationing with you in spirit. It was probably for the best that you didn't cry while in customs. It might have seemed suspicious.. Who is Sue? I'm jealous.
    Love the pictures, you both look fabulous! Safe journey my friend!
